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Is accessibility complicated?

Yes and no. Accessibility is mostly about common sense.

Imagine an extreme situation – a well-intentioned person tries to read your “about” page. His or her glasses are all fogged up and you’ve written everything in tiny, light grey on a white background, with no distinction between headings, paragraphs, links, buttons. You missed.

This same person is dying to listen to the interview with your CEO, but a brass band has gone upstairs with him or her in the metro. The video has no subtitles? Wrong again.

Decidedly passionate, this person is interested in a particularly relevant infographic posted the day before on your site. Bad luck, his or her smartphone is scratched and no longer renders colours accurately… Without a good caption to keep it understandable, your infographic is useless.

Three far-fetched examples, but one reality: an accessible site is one where the elements can be interpreted by the greatest number of people. Can’t see the image? It must have a caption. Can’t hear the video? It must have a subtitle. Don’t know where to click? The button should stand out and clearly indicate what it does. The characters are unreadable? It should be possible to enlarge it, or it should stand out from the background. And so on.

Accessibility is not so complicated, it requires thinking about what to put, where, and why. And for each element, to ask yourself: is it readable? Audible? Visible?

Here you will find some initial tips on how to write a page correctly. For a complete and exhaustive version, we invite you to read the WCAG 2 here in English.