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How to get the label?

The AnySurfer label can be applied to three types of entities: a website, a web agency (a company), a web developer (a person).

The label certifies that AnySurfer has assessed the accessibility of the site (WCAG 2 level A, AA or AAA), or the ability to produce accessible websites (for agencies and developers). A status page summarises the accessibility level information, the date, etc. It’s a little bit like your diploma!

Getting a website labelled is a process that can start at several points in the project.

The easiest: think about it first

Whether you take a training course to do it yourself, or are accompanied by a certified company, thinking about accessibility upstream is a time (and money) saver. Your website and its functionalities will be designed with all the required parameters already in place – so there will be nothing to redo or rework afterwards. At each stage, accessibility is checked and a final audit is carried out to confirm the level of accessibility.

You can also have tests carried out during the project to ensure that you are on the right track.

Getting the label for an already existing website

Ordering an audit for a website that has already been completed and launched is of course feasible (and recommended in all cases), but if accessibility was not a topic during its development, you can expect longer costs and redevelopment times.

The process is simple: you order an audit from AnySurfer, which carries out the tests and then provides you with a report. This report calls for adaptations, which are tested once they have been made. A new report is produced, which may call for adaptations, which are tested, etc., until the adjustments to the site reach the desired level of accessibility.

Only with the green light from AnySurfer can you display the logo on your page.

For professionals

For agencies and web developers, obtaining the label (i.e. proving their ability to produce accessible websites) is done through training, followed by practical implementation of accessible websites. Finally, they have a mission to promote digital accessibility to their clients and partner.


In short, how do you get labelled? Simply contact AnySurfer to request an audit of the site once it is completed.