The Chèques Entreprises, to finance your digital improvement

Spade is a service provider labelled “Chèques Entreprises” by the Walloon Region in the categories Digital Maturity and Digital Recovery. This means that we can support you in the development of your digital projects, and obtain financial aid that covers the first stages.

New: in 2022, the Walloon Region has created new Chèques – Spade can now be called for three cheques related to digital technology!

What are we talking about?

Chèques Entreprises is a public aid from the Walloon Region to provide financial support for the activity, innovations and good health of local businesses. If you use a service provider for its services and it has the Chèques Entreprises label, then you can submit a subsidy application. It is the company you call that submits the application on the Chèques Entreprises portal of the Walloon Region. When it is accepted, these services are financed up to 75% to 90%.

In the case of Spade, you can call on our services and benefit from financial assistance from the Region for everything that concerns the digital component.

You are eligible for the Chèques Entreprises if you are :

  • an SME with its head office in Wallonia
  • OR an ASBL with an economic vocation (new since 2022)

NB: these vouchers cover exclusively advice and recommendations (analysis, study, implementation plan, strategy and support). Actual implementation (technical development) is not included.

3 options for financial assistance with Spade

Spade offers you its consulting and support services on the digital side. You can benefit from financial assistance from the Walloon Region in your projects with Spade on three Chèques Entreprise.

In practice…

Digital Maturity Cheque

A good start for a whole digital strategy

Whether your website has already been online for several years or you have nothing at all, the Digital Maturity Cheque allows you to be accompanied by an expert to establish a plan for implementing your company’s digital processes.

Key information

  • Access conditions: none
  • Walloon Region’s contribution: 75% of the invoice amount
  • Budget ceiling: €60,000 excluding VAT
  • Possible Spade missions: Shake!Shake!Shake! and Pro!To!Type workshops


Spade organises a series of workshops for which an intervention of the Digital Maturity Cheques is possible. These workshops (2 or 3 depending on the needs) are half days of team work, followed by the elaboration of a report and a series of deliverables constituting the specifications of the interventions to be implemented afterwards.

  • Average budget for a mission: €4,000 excluding VAT invoiced by Spade
  • Contribution from the Walloon Region: 75%, i.e. €3,000 excluding VAT
  • Remainder to be paid by you : 1 000 € without VAT

For more specific projects (including an advanced e-commerce dimension or a complex digital ecosystem), we have introduced dossiers for up to €20,000.

Find out more about the Digital Maturity Cheque

Digital Revival Cheque – Diagnostic

Shedding light on your digital status

Want your online presence to go beyond your current website page? Thinking of starting to sell online? Thinking of starting up at all, and are two clicks away from having your first site online? For less than €100, let a pro sit down with you to go over everything and get you ready.

Key info

  • Access conditions : none
  • Walloon Region’s contribution: 90% of the invoice amount
  • Budget ceiling : 1,900 € excluding VAT over 3 years / 1 day max at a time / 950 € excluding VAT max in daily rate
  • Possible Spade mission: 2 days of diagnosis with an expert


Two two-hour sessions with a Spade expert to get an overview and a document to move on to the next step.

The first session is used to evaluate the existing situation (even if it is very small, even if you are still working on ideas): we will use the DigiScore tool (2 hours). The second session will focus on the dimension of your needs and priorities (2h).

The complete mission covered by the Cheque includes these two sessions with the expert, a diagnostic report of 5 pages maximum as well as travel expenses in Wallonia.

  • Budget for the service (2 sessions + report + travel) = 950 € excluding VAT invoiced by Spade
  • Contribution from the Walloon Region: 90%, i.e. €855 excluding VAT
  • Remainder to be paid by you : 95 € without VAT

Find out more about the Digital Revival Cheque – Diagnostic

Digital Revival Cheque – Strategic Actions Plan

Preparing to launch your online business

Once the diagnosis is made, it is time to answer the following question: what next? What do we do, when, how, in what order, for whom, with what tools? With this check and the work it allows, we answer all of this.

Key information

  • Conditions of access: to have carried out a diagnosis beforehand (to be able to justify a diagnosis report made by a company labelled via a Revival Cheque-Diagnostic or Digital Maturity)
  • Walloon Region’s contribution: 90% of the invoice amount
  • Budget ceiling: €5,700 excluding VAT / 3 days max / €950 excluding VAT max in daily rates
  • Possible Spade mission: 2 reflection workshops and action plan


Spade offers you 2 workshops of 3 hours to cover :

  • your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
  • a mapping of your needs and capacities (BOLRADIM methodology) – your business objectives
  • who your target audiences are (possible use of our card games)
  • the development of personas and their imaginary paths (= your interaction points!)
  • the key messages you will tell your target audiences
  • designing a content strategy: identification of networks, media, necessary resources, translation, tone of voice, editorial calendar
  • SEO (search engine optimisation) and accessibility advices
  • overall digital strategy and identification of the necessary digital applications (depending on your operations and ambitions)

The deliverables take the form of a summary report of the workshops, including all the above points, their details and a series of recommendations.

  • Time required: Preparation – 0.5 days / 2 Workshops – 1 day / Report writing: 1 day
  • Budget : 2,5 x 950 € = 2 375 € excl.
  • Contribution from the Walloon Region: €2,137.50 excluding VAT
  • Remainder to be paid by you : 237,50 € without VAT

Find out more about the Digital Revival Cheque – Strategic Actions Plan

Others wondered…

Here are some of the questions that have arisen for these cheques.

  • In order to benefit from the Walloon Region’s Chèques Entreprises subsidies, you must first be a company with its main operating headquarters in the Walloon Region. The main place of business is the place where the company employs the most workers.

    Secondly, this company must meet at least one of the following conditions:

    • be an SME (employs less than 250 people and has an annual turnover of less than 50 million euros, or a balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euros) or a self-employed person
    • be a start-up: a company registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises for less than 5 years
    • be a “project holder“: one or more persons presenting a project leading to the creation or takeover of a company whose place of operation is/will be located in Wallonia (includes self-employed persons in a complementary capacity)
    • be a non-profit organisation with an economic vocation (new in 2022). The not-for-profit organisation is subject to VAT; it employs at least 1 person bound by an employment contract; it has a goods or services activity on a given market; it has public funding of less than 50% (excluding employment aid, on the basis of the latest approved accounts)

    Does your company fit into any of the above descriptions? Then we can submit an Enterprise Cheque application for you.

  • Spade can introduce the file for you thanks to its secure “Provider” access on the Chèques Entreprises platform.

    To submit a file, we need your company number: the file must be linked to the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises. When we encode the file on the platform and it is submitted, its status is “awaiting validation”.

    A series of documents must be provided to the administration:

    • Cheque request to be signed
    • Agreement to be signed
    • De minimis certificate for SMEs
    • Declaration on honour for non-profit organisations
    • Any additional documents depending on the cheque chosen

    When your file is complete, you give it to us and we do the administrative work. Of course, as soon as we have news, we will let you know!

  • Once the grant application has been submitted (completed with all the required documents signed), it takes a few working days to get a response (no more than a week). This delay depends mainly on the number of applications to be processed by the administration, but our experience has shown us that we mostly receive an agreement within 5 working days.

    The SPW EER (Service Public de Wallonie – Économie, Emploi, Recherche) may request additional information to assess the file. Remember that a complete file (all documents clearly identified and filled in) and of good quality (clearly and sincerely explain your approach) is a file that is processed more quickly!

    In all cases, the mission can only start after obtaining the administration’s agreement. Once the agreement has been received, the beneficiary (you) is asked to pay its share (the 10 to 25% of the invoice amount that is not covered by the Walloon Region) directly to the administration. Then the mission can begin.

  • It’s the measure of your organisation’s “level” on a digital medium.

    Digital maturity thus observes the fluidity, ergonomics, level and ease of interaction with your users. It also looks at the range of services and information available online and the variety and quality of content. Finally, it takes into account the level of protection and security of your platform and its overall digital environment.

    Spade has developed a strong experience in the analysis of the existing situation and the optimization of digital processes. This results in a sharpened method to implement concrete actions and improve your digital maturity. As the concept is very broad, our support addresses its different aspects one by one. Depending on the level of the existing situation, we can adapt it by putting more emphasis where necessary.

  • The Chèques Entreprises is a helping hand from the Walloon Region to improve the digital aspect of your professional activity. The Region’s intervention aims to ensure that Walloon companies implement a good digital strategy. It supports them by financing their reflection and the establishment of an action plan. If your digital strategy were a house, this would be the time to choose the best site for building it and to draw up the plans: the basis for a quality construction to serve you and your ambitions.

    Carrying out this stage of thinking and planning is a job that many professionals in Wallonia do every day. Chèques Entreprises allows you to surround yourself with these experts to set up your digital eco-system and develop the digital maturity of your company.

    The Chèques Entreprises are a gateway to these professionals: financial assistance to go and see them with peace of mind and take full advantage of their skills. With an intervention of 75 to 90% of the cost of their mission, it is a great opportunity to develop your digital projects on a solid and sustainable basis.

    Spade and the Chèques Entreprises

    Spade is a Chèques Entreprises certified expert for the digital part. You can therefore get funding from the Walloon Region to benefit from our services, as long as it concerns digital projects.

    Whether you are self-employed or a large team, have a small or very comfortable budget, have very specific needs or vague ideas, every project starts from a situation.

    We map out that situation. Let’s define where you can go, what you’ll need to do it and what your limits are. We ask about your audience: who will you talk to? Who will use your services, go to your website? What will they be looking for and what will you provide them with as a result? How will your pages be constructed? What will be the layout of your site, the type of content to be produced? What schedules should be established to ensure a regular and quality feed?

    These are many questions but the answers are not far away – and we tell you, the Region is funding you to take the time to answer them.

    Take advantage of it!

    Find out more about Spade’s Chèques Entreprises.

Get in touch with our expert

A contact does not commit you to anything. The expert will analyse your request, contact you again and see if support is possible. The introduction of a Cheque file will not be done without your agreement.


The information you submit via the form below will be emailed to you and only used to propose you a relevant and qualitative service. We won’t do anything else with your data!

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Which Cheque?


The information you submit via the form below will be emailed to you and only used to propose you a relevant and qualitative service. We won’t do anything else with your data!