Work at Spade

Would you like to be part of the adventure and join our teams in Brussels or Namur ?

We are currently looking for…

UI Designer (M/F/X)

Is creating visual identities your strength? Juggling with techniques, colors, typos, considering user interactions in front of the interface… We are looking for a motivated, passionate person with an attention to detail as well as a true desire for learning and going beyond his/her limits.

Backend Developer (M/F/X)

Le code, l’optimisation, la documentation et les tests font partie de votre méthode de travail. Vous aimez innover, résoudre des problèmes, évaluer les meilleurs scénarios. Le débug, la sécurité et les performances… ne sont que des défis en plus à relever sur ce long fleuve qu’est le World Wide Web.

Frontend developer (M/F/X)

Semantics, optimization and accessibility are part of your your working method. You like to innovate, solve problems, evaluate the best scenarios.

Digital Project Manager (H/F/X)

If you are a talented and experienced project manager, you are the person we are looking for to ensure the growth of our team. As a project manager, you will be in charge of exciting projects. You guarantee their quality, profitability and customer satisfaction.

Digital marketing / Social media

We are looking for a digital marketing and/or social media intern.
The Spade agency is present on social networks, has several platforms presenting the various facets of the company, an e-shop and newsletters. We need good ideas and a helping hand to think up, develop and implement a digital marketing strategy linking all these platforms and ensuring their visibility.