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What does the team I will be joining look like?

At Spade, everyone has their own speciality but we all work as a team with complementary roles. We have project managers, designers and illustrators, front-end and back-end developers. We all have our affinities, for languages, audiovisuals, a type of illustration, a type of development, a type of project, a deeper knowledge of this or that. All of this makes for a rich and happy mix that is very useful for dealing with the most varied of demands.

We are focused most of the time, but in a cordial atmosphere. We respect each other’s silence and code, but good humour and mutual understanding are the order of the day. Eating a sandwich together at lunch and sometimes enjoying a local beer or listening to a musical find together is also part of the Spade experience. We share news and discoveries via Slack, we are a group, and it’s everyone’s responsibility to contribute to its life.