Development of complex sites

What are we talking about?

A site is said to be “complex” as soon as it goes beyond the classic framework of a set of pages linked together and presenting text, images and videos.

A complex site is, for example, a platform where your customers, members or users, have a profile which they access by logging in with a password. It is also a corporate intranet, where depending on your role you will have access to a defined list of services or information. It is also a site where you can make an appointment online (thus linked to a diary or even a payment service). It is also a site with multiple sub-sites.

In short, complex sites are all sites for which a specific functionality had to be developed according to a very precise need. A customised design and modalities therefore, which require a higher level of development than for a “simple” site.

How do we proceed?

The different stages

You don’t decide at the beginning of the project whether or not to make a complex site by ticking a box.

It all depends on what you want, what your users might need, and what specific functionalities are expected.

These different points will be determined little by little, when your users’ imaginary paths are defined, for example; when your present and future ambitions for the platform are discussed, etc. The earlier the need is identified, the easier it will be to integrate the complexity into the overall architecture of the site, to link the data together and to create a harmonious design.

Still feasible, even after the fact?

You already have a simple site and want to add a complex module afterwards. Is this possible? 

Yes, but… As mentioned above, the earlier you start thinking about it, the easier it is to implement (think of the layout of the pipes on the floor of your bathroom: it is better to plan it before tiling!) Having said that, it can happen that an existing site is taken over, or that unforeseen circumstances lead to the addition of a functionality that had not been thought of earlier. Adding a functionality, even a complex one, is thus possible after the fact.

Usually we work first to conceptualise your needs. We analyse the impact of the changes on the current components and try to find solutions to guarantee the evolution while ensuring the stability of the existing.

This may involve enabling new plugins, creating new plugins and writing code to implement the necessary changes.

Be aware of your budget

A complex site necessarily means longer design and development time, and therefore a higher budget.

To optimise these costs, it is better to plan ahead – if complexity is added after the fact, the risk is that you will have to undo certain things and redo them later, which adds to the development time.

NB: it is not because a site is considered “simple” that it will be less beautiful or less efficient! It all depends on what you are looking for and the reality of your needs. There is no point in having a site developed beyond your means and whose potential is under-exploited. Remember that a good site is first and foremost a site where users have a good time and find what they are looking for.

A few examples

Some of our projects require specific realisations – check out some of them below, or directly on our Projects page!