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Two new Chèques Entreprises for Spade

Chèques Entreprises, what is it?

This is a financial support from the Walloon Region dedicated to companies based in Wallonia. In many areas and after submission of a complete file, the Region provides support to benefit from the services of professionals.

What vouchers for Spade?

Since 2019, Spade has been awarded the Chèques Entreprises label for everything to do with digital. Benoît Vrins is our Expert for Digital Maturity.

In 2022, the Walloon Region launched two new vouchers that extend Spade’s label: the Chèques Digital Revival – Diagnostic and Digital Revival – Strategic Actions Plan.

From now on, you can therefore call on Spade’s services for all digital-related matters – and the Region will cover 75 to 90% of the bill!

All the information is on our Chèques Entreprises page.